Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Prune Juice Challenge- WARNING-T.M.I.

I challenge thee, prune juice, to cure my constipation!!

How far along? 10wks, 3 days

Since near the beginning of this pregnancy some things have not been on par. Most uncomfortably, what has gone in has definitely not come out.

Might I refer to you again how far along in my pregnancy I am- 2 1/2 months...why then, oh why!!? do I look like I'm 5 months pregnant? I have passed the "food baby" stage and am now at the "poo baby" stage. See "before" and "now" photos.

Unbelievable, right?

I swear I am not pushing my stomach out...or anything else for that matter. Sorry, couldn't resist...I warned you (see title)

Much to my chagrin I have decided to give the old prune juice a try. Simon bought me my first bottle, sweet guy, and insisted that I give it a try..."old people swear by it", he says. What have I got to lose? I sure have lots to loose...sorry.

Can I say DISGUSTING? Just the sight of the sickly brown liquid in my glass is enough to make me wanna hurl. DOWN THE HATCH.

My first glass proved to be somewhat helpful. A couple hours after downing said drink a little movement beyond the usual rabbit pellets occurred...again I warned you. Thinking things must be on the mend I gratefully put the prune juice back on the shelf not to be thought of again until a couple days later when, that's right, rabbit pellets were all the action my toilet was getting.
Time for the prune juice again and somehow it didn't seem so bad this time. A couple hours later I made a slightly more successful visit to the bathroom. Mind you not nearly to the level as to what has been building up inside. I mean really, how much stuff can one intestine hold anyway???
Well, here we are about 3 days after that and, well, you've seen the pictures. This morning I decided I have had it! I went out an bought myself a king size jug of prune nectar determined to rid my bowels of all unwanted tenants. Well, I just downed my third glass today (morning, noon and night regime) and so far....rabbit pellets.
I BEG YOU! PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!! I mean... GO! MAKE IT GO!! I will embrace my baby belly when the time comes but this poo baby has got to go!

Several hours later...
Okay, I drank 4 glasses of prune juice in less than 24 hours. I am disparaged. I thought for sure it would work. I hate prune juice and don't want to continue this regime. Perhaps I should perservere, up the dosage but I really don't have the heart anymore. It seems in my time of most need, the prune juice did not rise to the challenge.

What now?

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