Monday, April 18, 2011

Midwife or Obstetrician- What will be your M.O.?

Who's it gonna be?

How far along? 12 weeks

I don't know why but for some reason, even before I was pregnant, I always thought that I would have a midwife. At the time I didn't know anyone who had been under the care of a midwife nor did I really know that much about it- I just thought that they strove for a more natural child birth experience. I thought that a hospital birth with a mid-wife was the way I, oops...WE would go. The more I read up on the philosophy and options for childbirth under the care of a midwife the more I was sure that was the right choice for

When we had conceived back in November my first attempt to contact a midwife group was unsuccessful. They never called me back. I was rather annoyed at that, I mean, they are running the type of business in which it is important that their clients can get a hold of them when necessary and them not returning my call... at all, did not instill any confidence in me. When I lost the pregnancy I really could have benefited from the support and knowledge of a midwife. I had so many questions that I relied on the internet to answer. I will write more later about my experience with the miscarriage soon.

Anyway, when we got pregnant again I had my heart set on a midwife group that I had heard was really good and had excellent classes and programs and their web-site was excellent. They called me back right away. Halleluia. "Wait, what? What do you mean you don't take on clients from my neighbourhood? But your web-site said you did." Crap. Back to the drawing board.
I called another midwifery (pronounce mid-whiff-ery which I hate so will avoid using the word henceforth) and they only took 4 days to call me back (insert sarcastic tone). This particular midwif... was in my neighbourhood and the midwife was very informative and friendly and speaking to her quickly started to melt my annoyance that she took so long to call me back. "Wait, what? What do you mean you don't have time to meet with me?" I couldn't believe it! In a business where one of the main attractions is a more personal health care experience the midwife was unwilling to meet with me to see how we "clicked" because she was busy. She said we would just have to decide without meeting her. Back to the drawing board.
Next I called Commercial Drive Midwives (they didn't have the hated word in the title so that was a good start) and they called me back right away! (Insert chorus of Handel's Messiah) I made an appointment and the next week we were in their office. "Wait, what? We found our midwife!?!" or group of midwives. This particular practice has 6 midwives and over the course of our pregnancy we will meet all of them at our scheduled appointments and then whoever is on duty when we go into labour will be the one to deliver.


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