Thursday, April 21, 2011

Baby's First Pictures

Ultrasound Magic

How far along? 12 weeks, 4 days

That was amazing!! Simon and I just saw our baby for the first time and I gotta say, that was so incredible! It's really happening. There's a little baby growing inside. Just one! phew. This pregnancy was just a concept and the reality of it was very hard to grasp until seeing our baby in the ultrasound.

Our technician was so lovely and nice and she walked us through the images of our baby (Thank goodness we got her and not the drill sargeant from the other room). That little baby (I was gonna say 'sucker' but then thought people would think me crass) was movin' around like crazy! You could see the profile of the nose and lips so clearly and you could see every finger and toe. Really, I can't describe the feeling.
I was so happy to hear the heart beat...for some reason this was my main directive... it reassured me to hear his? little heart beat. Of course we don't know the sex yet but for some reason we have taken to referring to the baby as "he".

The actual purpose of the ultrasound was for part of the screening for genetic and other disorders (Downs syndrome, spina bifida and trisomy 13). Seeing as I am 35, our baby is in a higher risk category for having one of the above disorders. The specialist examined our baby via ultrasound and he said that the nucal fold, which is what they measure for early detection of down syndrome, looks normal. He said everything looks pretty good that we will have a "normal" baby.
I had to go for a blood test as a part of the first series of tests and I will go for another in a few weeks. The combined results of the tests will be a good indicator as to whether our baby will be free of disability or not.
So here are some pictures of our little one...yes, including the alien baby in the last photo.

1 comment:

  1. DoubleYAYYY! No more secrets (except industry spies and anyone that p's me off)! I'm tearing up looking at your pics again - can't imagine how your Moms are feeling!
    Your blogs are so good. I love the blend of fact, candor and feeling - I think other first-time Moms will really appreciate it. Speaking of feelings, can't wait to hear the hormones piece (partly so I know what to look out for... right there with ya S. hee hee but really, I'm scared!) luv A.S.
