How far along? 10 weeks
This may only be interesting to the grandparents 'cause let's face it...babies don't do that much...but she sure is cute and we managed to catch some smiles.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
The Birth
Yes...2 weeks before expected.
How far along? 37 weeks
October 15th marked my last day of work before going on maternity leave. I thought 2 weeks before my due date that it was about time to take off work and come to recognize that I am actually going to have a baby. I was looking forward to taking a couple weeks of just bonding with my belly or the being in my belly before she arrived. Simon and I had planned a party for the same night. A "Pool Party" where we would play some mini pool and everyone could join into the pool to guess when our little bundle would be born.
That day at work I had my first Braxton Hicks contractions...quite a few actually. I joked with the shop owner that it was a good thing it was my last day because I was starting to feel contractions.
Our party commenced and people marked their names on the pool calendar. I had a couple more Braxton Hicks contractions during the party...people joked...are you sure they are only Braxton Hicks? I said absolutely...they don't really feel like much.
1:30am The last of our guests leave. Simon and I went to bed pretty much right away- I was tired from a long day in a increasingly larger body. I said to Simon It's funny that I haven't had any Braxton Hicks (BH) contractions at all during pregnancy and today I get quite a few. The doula who ran our prenatal class said that they would feel like a minor cramp low in the abdomen...exactly what I was feeling. As we were climbing into bed I had my 3rd BH and realized that it was happening at a regular interval (12 minutes). We consulted a book called "Becoming Baby Wise" as I had remembered reading in it the previous night about signs of pre-labour vs. signs of labour. Simon and I looked at each other sort of disbelieving when it seemed that my symptoms were looking more like labour signs. Huhn. So we went to sleep not really believing.
3:00am Whoa. What was that? A much stronger feeling in the lower abdomen...MUCH STRONGER! I'm just gonna wait and see what happens before telling Simon.
3:36 I wrote the time on a piece of paper because I realized Simon. I think I'm in labour.
Every time I felt, what I was now acknowledging as, a contraction I had to get up. I went into the bathroom to "wait" it out. Waiting it out for me meant leaning on the counter and walking forward and backward (kinda hard to describe-sorry)or sitting on the toilet. At one of these toilet moments I figured I had better try and contact my friend Andrea who had agreed to be there for the birth to help out. She had mentioned that she might head down to Seattle for the weekend but that she would let me know for sure. I hadn't heard anything from her so I thought maybe, just maybe (fingers crossed) that she didn't go. From the toilet I called feeling badly for the hour (about 3:30am) and left a message. I decided to go to her Facebook page to see if she had any updates...sure enough 2 and 1/2 hours prior..."signing out from Seattle". Crap! What now?
Labour continued like this and my contractions rapidly went to 6 minutes apart. I decided I was tired so I lay down on the bed and tried to nap between contractions.
Somehow I managed to slow the frequency of those pesky abdominal pains down to about 12 minutes and I gotta say I was kinda disappointed because...well, I figured I had just prolonged my whole labour experience. Drat!
Simon "napped" with me and with each contraction I insisted he keep track of and tell me how long it had been since the last...I HAD TO KNOW!
Things started to speed up again and it finally was a reasonable time to make a phone call to my friend, Susan, who has been the friend closest to me throughout the pregnancy. Good morning, Susan. (8:30am) I know it's early but I just thought I'd give you a call between contractions. silence
and then "Are you serious?" Yup "Soooo...what's your intuition telling you? When do you think you'll go into labour?"
Susan! I AM in LABOUR! Okay, gotta go- another one's coming on.

How far along? 37 weeks
October 15th marked my last day of work before going on maternity leave. I thought 2 weeks before my due date that it was about time to take off work and come to recognize that I am actually going to have a baby. I was looking forward to taking a couple weeks of just bonding with my belly or the being in my belly before she arrived. Simon and I had planned a party for the same night. A "Pool Party" where we would play some mini pool and everyone could join into the pool to guess when our little bundle would be born.
That day at work I had my first Braxton Hicks contractions...quite a few actually. I joked with the shop owner that it was a good thing it was my last day because I was starting to feel contractions.
Our party commenced and people marked their names on the pool calendar. I had a couple more Braxton Hicks contractions during the party...people joked...are you sure they are only Braxton Hicks? I said absolutely...they don't really feel like much.
1:30am The last of our guests leave. Simon and I went to bed pretty much right away- I was tired from a long day in a increasingly larger body. I said to Simon It's funny that I haven't had any Braxton Hicks (BH) contractions at all during pregnancy and today I get quite a few. The doula who ran our prenatal class said that they would feel like a minor cramp low in the abdomen...exactly what I was feeling. As we were climbing into bed I had my 3rd BH and realized that it was happening at a regular interval (12 minutes). We consulted a book called "Becoming Baby Wise" as I had remembered reading in it the previous night about signs of pre-labour vs. signs of labour. Simon and I looked at each other sort of disbelieving when it seemed that my symptoms were looking more like labour signs. Huhn. So we went to sleep not really believing.
3:00am Whoa. What was that? A much stronger feeling in the lower abdomen...MUCH STRONGER! I'm just gonna wait and see what happens before telling Simon.
3:36 I wrote the time on a piece of paper because I realized Simon. I think I'm in labour.
Every time I felt, what I was now acknowledging as, a contraction I had to get up. I went into the bathroom to "wait" it out. Waiting it out for me meant leaning on the counter and walking forward and backward (kinda hard to describe-sorry)or sitting on the toilet. At one of these toilet moments I figured I had better try and contact my friend Andrea who had agreed to be there for the birth to help out. She had mentioned that she might head down to Seattle for the weekend but that she would let me know for sure. I hadn't heard anything from her so I thought maybe, just maybe (fingers crossed) that she didn't go. From the toilet I called feeling badly for the hour (about 3:30am) and left a message. I decided to go to her Facebook page to see if she had any updates...sure enough 2 and 1/2 hours prior..."signing out from Seattle". Crap! What now?
Labour continued like this and my contractions rapidly went to 6 minutes apart. I decided I was tired so I lay down on the bed and tried to nap between contractions.
Somehow I managed to slow the frequency of those pesky abdominal pains down to about 12 minutes and I gotta say I was kinda disappointed because...well, I figured I had just prolonged my whole labour experience. Drat!
Simon "napped" with me and with each contraction I insisted he keep track of and tell me how long it had been since the last...I HAD TO KNOW!
Things started to speed up again and it finally was a reasonable time to make a phone call to my friend, Susan, who has been the friend closest to me throughout the pregnancy. Good morning, Susan. (8:30am) I know it's early but I just thought I'd give you a call between contractions. silence
and then "Are you serious?" Yup "Soooo...what's your intuition telling you? When do you think you'll go into labour?"
Susan! I AM in LABOUR! Okay, gotta go- another one's coming on.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Belly Pics
Pre-Pregnancy (maybe imagine a little extra winter weight)

8 Weeks-

12 Weeks

15 Weeks- I was going to do a photo every 4 weeks but I did this one early because I felt like there was a big change- notice my top button is undone
Belly measurement (at largest point)- 35.5"

18 weeks

20 Weeks

24 weeks

28 weeks

34 weeks

37 weeks- widest part around= 42"

8 Weeks-

12 Weeks
15 Weeks- I was going to do a photo every 4 weeks but I did this one early because I felt like there was a big change- notice my top button is undone
Belly measurement (at largest point)- 35.5"
18 weeks
20 Weeks
24 weeks

28 weeks
34 weeks
37 weeks- widest part around= 42"

Monday, October 3, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
More Random Pics
Simon did a henna design on my baby belly.

Simon setting up the crib that finally arrived.

Hugo, testing out the car seat. Whadda ya think, Hugo?

Hugo reading up on what to expect.
Simon setting up the crib that finally arrived.
Hugo, testing out the car seat. Whadda ya think, Hugo?
Hugo reading up on what to expect.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
The Name Game

What's in a name?
How far along? 34 weeks, 3 days
I'd say the most common question I get now, besides "when are you due?" is "so, have you picked out a name?" Ahhh a name. It is really not an easy thing picking out a name for your child. Now I believe that there is a lot to a name. I am not into numerology and have not consulted the cabilarian society about potential names but I do go so far as to think that your name does have a part in forming your personality and can lead people to an impression of you before they even know you. I also think that she, our baby, should inform us as to her name... meaning, we don't believe that you should just choose a name for your child and that is that.
We've always said that we will come up with a short list of names and when she is born we will look at her and see what suits her- and hope to goodness that one of the names we came up with will suit her. Well, recently I've come to wonder about it possible that we have already found her name, that we have already been informed as to what her name is?
Someone said to me, when discussing this topic, that when you find the name you will "just know". I didn't argue with him but thought how can you just decide on someone's name before meeting them?
A little while back, Simon and I were driving in the car and discussing the names we had on our list. Did we still like them? What was our feeling of what a person with that name might be like?... Those sort of things. There were a couple of names that we revisited that we liked but both seemed not quite right. Then I said, taking the 2 names we had just been discussing and mashing them together (hey if "Glee" can do mash ups...), what about Blah Blah Blah?
We both went silent. Blah Blah Blah.
I got goosebumps, so did Simon and I swear to you (knowing how hokey this will sound I say anyway) I started to tear up...Simon too. We actually had a physical and emotional reaction to the name. Now I hope you are not thinking we are considering naming our baby girl Blah Blah Blah...seriously now. Days go by and we check in with each other about the name again...are we still "feeling" it? Yes from both of us. We it possible that this is her name? That we have found her name without even seeing her? How can you deny a reaction such as the one we had? So we are pretty sure that is her name...we will still see if it suits her when we meet her.
So what is the name, you ask? I'm not telling. We have sworn each other to secrecy.
That's a whole other topic. The protection of a name for a child not born yet. It's funny how possessive you can feel over a name. We have even been forbidden from friends of ours to name our baby, Such and Such. They're not even expecting and they told us that they have the name reserved. Now that's ridiculous. Just keep it to yourself if you don't want someone to "steal" it.
Anyway, our whole thought about our name is that we want her to be the first to hear is her name after all.
Oh crap, now we have to come up with a middle name? Do people really need middle names?
Friday, September 2, 2011
Baby Booty
Accumulating accoutrements.
How far along? 31 weeks, 5 days
Wow! The time is passing quickly and our little girl will be joining us soon. Some people are starting to ask if there will be a baby shower and are we ready. The answer is yes and no respectively. Let's not even talk about being mentally ready. Anyway, as for a shower...there will be one before the birth- as I tell everybody...we need all the help as we can get!
I find this topic awkward but here goes.
So for those of you who are wishing to help us prepare for the arrival for our baby we have registered at the following places...

Sears- we loved that items could be purchased from anywhere and picked up locally.
Gift Cards to Sears would be awesome as well because once we have our essentials we would like finance a trip east to see our families around Christmas and show off our baby (with the help of Sears Travel).
registry #: 201119442519
Pebble Baby- A great Vancouver store that I worked at for a while and again items can be ordered online or by phone and picked up

Toots 'n Tots- Simon and I have decided to use cloth diapers and this is a great local business that we would love to support.
So there you have it folks!
How far along? 31 weeks, 5 days
Wow! The time is passing quickly and our little girl will be joining us soon. Some people are starting to ask if there will be a baby shower and are we ready. The answer is yes and no respectively. Let's not even talk about being mentally ready. Anyway, as for a shower...there will be one before the birth- as I tell everybody...we need all the help as we can get!
I find this topic awkward but here goes.
So for those of you who are wishing to help us prepare for the arrival for our baby we have registered at the following places...

Sears- we loved that items could be purchased from anywhere and picked up locally.
Gift Cards to Sears would be awesome as well because once we have our essentials we would like finance a trip east to see our families around Christmas and show off our baby (with the help of Sears Travel).
registry #: 201119442519
Pebble Baby- A great Vancouver store that I worked at for a while and again items can be ordered online or by phone and picked up

Toots 'n Tots- Simon and I have decided to use cloth diapers and this is a great local business that we would love to support.
So there you have it folks!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Midwife Talks About...
Is anyone recording this?
How far along? 29 weeks, 4 days
There is a schedule of conversations that we have with our midwife depending on what visit we are is their format and various topics are covered from vitamin supplements, likelihood of gestational diabetes testing, pre-natal classes etc. This particular visit was about sex. It went something like this. "We recommend that in your last trimester you have lots of sex. Especially after week 36."...sounds rough. The midwife suggested some positions for comfort and went on to explain more about the recommendation...if we needed justification.
"Not only does sex give the uterus practice contracting, if you orgasm, but there is a hormone present in ejaculate that induces labour."
Now I had just read this in "Ina May's Guide to Childbirth" (I highly recommend) or I would be looking for the camera's.
Prostaglandins are the magic ingredient and it helps "soften and ripen the cervix". Also oxytocin is released by the woman following orgasm which contracts the uterus.
Pitocin (a synthetic form of Oxytocin) and forms of Prostaglandins are often used by hospitals to induce labour...why not choose the natural way? Sounds more fun.
Anyway, here is where it got interesting. "Frequent sex during the last weeks of pregnancy can help bring on labour naturally. The hormones from ejaculate are absorbed by the cervix but are even better absorbed by the stomach lining."
And I leave you with that.
How far along? 29 weeks, 4 days
There is a schedule of conversations that we have with our midwife depending on what visit we are is their format and various topics are covered from vitamin supplements, likelihood of gestational diabetes testing, pre-natal classes etc. This particular visit was about sex. It went something like this. "We recommend that in your last trimester you have lots of sex. Especially after week 36."...sounds rough. The midwife suggested some positions for comfort and went on to explain more about the recommendation...if we needed justification.
"Not only does sex give the uterus practice contracting, if you orgasm, but there is a hormone present in ejaculate that induces labour."
Now I had just read this in "Ina May's Guide to Childbirth" (I highly recommend) or I would be looking for the camera's.
Prostaglandins are the magic ingredient and it helps "soften and ripen the cervix". Also oxytocin is released by the woman following orgasm which contracts the uterus.
Pitocin (a synthetic form of Oxytocin) and forms of Prostaglandins are often used by hospitals to induce labour...why not choose the natural way? Sounds more fun.
Anyway, here is where it got interesting. "Frequent sex during the last weeks of pregnancy can help bring on labour naturally. The hormones from ejaculate are absorbed by the cervix but are even better absorbed by the stomach lining."
And I leave you with that.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Hormonal Hypersensitivity
Well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
How far along? 27 weeks, 5 days

Today I had my first pregnancy meltdown. Last night was a rough was hot and the neighbours kept waking us up with rowdy songs and something that sounded like wood chopping...wt??? Anyway, Simon worked late and had to be up for a fitting in the morning. Not only were our neighbours driving us nuts but apparently I was snoring...I know I was snoring because I kept waking myself up in my snoring fervour. I woke up at one point to find Simon with a pillow over his head in what I could only assume was an attempt to block out the neighbours wood chopping and my chainsawing. The night progressed with much tossing and turning on both our parts. Tossing and turning for me does not mean a simple shift to the other means I have to sit up, roll over and re-adjust belly or leg support pillows followed by a flurry of activity from within the belly, in protest or delight from out little one I will not know, and this only after laying there for a moment to assess whether the move was actually worth it in the first place. I am incredibly sensitive about snoring...I dread doing it, or disturbing anyone with it and this is probably why I am so quick to wake up when I do it...usually.
One of the side effects of pregnancy, so I have read, is a stuffy nose. Great! That on top of my rhinitis (yes, it's a real thing) so I reckon that suck (ha ha...Freudian slip)-such a symptom would also increase snoring activity.
Anyway, our alarms were set for the same time and Simon was up and sitting on the bed before the alarm went off and I swear he sighed. Yes...sighed...that was the trigger. I said...if you had so much trouble sleeping because of my snoring, then why didn't you just go sleep in another room? That wasn't the end. No. I made us some oatmeal and while the oats stewed so did I.
I sat down on the couch to eat my oatmeal, Simon wasn't ready for his yet, and when he came in to join me he kissed me on the head and said good morning. REALLY! He has the nerve to be nice to me when I am so mad at him?!! and I told him so.
You know, I am mad at you. Do you think it's easy for ME? I know you had a hard time sleeping last night but try not being able to breathe all night, not being able to get comfortable because of your bulging belly, getting leg cramps AND having to get up to pee every 3 hours not just last night but EVERY night! At least if you can't sleep you can change something so you can. So rather than sighing and making me feel badly about keeping you up all night the least you could do is just sleep somewhere else instead of keep subjecting yourself to my torture and sighing about it- because you know-you can change something to make it easier on yourself.
Of course him having to get up to sleep in another room would probably make me feel badly too but that's beside the point. What's really the issue here? Simon, poor guy, just said "I'm sorry." and gave me my space. Geez, even as I write this I am getting all teary and stuff...stupid hormonal sensitivity. Anyway, that's what I did next...cried. Not a lot. Just a few tears that I couldn't help. Poor Simon. He was probably thinking this is what they warn you about. At least that would be what I was thinking, so, not only was I feeling badly for myself, I was feeling badly for him too. Damn it. Now he's not gonna know when it's safe to talk to me again. I guess I'll have to break the ice somehow.
After some time passed and I had time to formulate some semblance of a...well, I don't know if you could call it an apology...Simon came into the bathroom where I was brushing my teeth and put his arms around my belly and said again "i'm sorry"- come the tears again (not then- NOW as I write this). Anyway, I said I'm not saying that what I said isn't true, but I do acknowledge that I may have been projecting my insecurities onto you. It seemed to me that you were frustrated that you couldn't sleep because of me. I don't know if it's true or not but that is what I IMAGINED "I'm sorry that I made you feel badly", he said. You didn't make me feel badly, I made me feel badly. Sorry for the meltdown.
And that was that.
How far along? 27 weeks, 5 days

Today I had my first pregnancy meltdown. Last night was a rough was hot and the neighbours kept waking us up with rowdy songs and something that sounded like wood chopping...wt??? Anyway, Simon worked late and had to be up for a fitting in the morning. Not only were our neighbours driving us nuts but apparently I was snoring...I know I was snoring because I kept waking myself up in my snoring fervour. I woke up at one point to find Simon with a pillow over his head in what I could only assume was an attempt to block out the neighbours wood chopping and my chainsawing. The night progressed with much tossing and turning on both our parts. Tossing and turning for me does not mean a simple shift to the other means I have to sit up, roll over and re-adjust belly or leg support pillows followed by a flurry of activity from within the belly, in protest or delight from out little one I will not know, and this only after laying there for a moment to assess whether the move was actually worth it in the first place. I am incredibly sensitive about snoring...I dread doing it, or disturbing anyone with it and this is probably why I am so quick to wake up when I do it...usually.
One of the side effects of pregnancy, so I have read, is a stuffy nose. Great! That on top of my rhinitis (yes, it's a real thing) so I reckon that suck (ha ha...Freudian slip)-such a symptom would also increase snoring activity.
Anyway, our alarms were set for the same time and Simon was up and sitting on the bed before the alarm went off and I swear he sighed. Yes...sighed...that was the trigger. I said...if you had so much trouble sleeping because of my snoring, then why didn't you just go sleep in another room? That wasn't the end. No. I made us some oatmeal and while the oats stewed so did I.
I sat down on the couch to eat my oatmeal, Simon wasn't ready for his yet, and when he came in to join me he kissed me on the head and said good morning. REALLY! He has the nerve to be nice to me when I am so mad at him?!! and I told him so.
You know, I am mad at you. Do you think it's easy for ME? I know you had a hard time sleeping last night but try not being able to breathe all night, not being able to get comfortable because of your bulging belly, getting leg cramps AND having to get up to pee every 3 hours not just last night but EVERY night! At least if you can't sleep you can change something so you can. So rather than sighing and making me feel badly about keeping you up all night the least you could do is just sleep somewhere else instead of keep subjecting yourself to my torture and sighing about it- because you know-you can change something to make it easier on yourself.
Of course him having to get up to sleep in another room would probably make me feel badly too but that's beside the point. What's really the issue here? Simon, poor guy, just said "I'm sorry." and gave me my space. Geez, even as I write this I am getting all teary and stuff...stupid hormonal sensitivity. Anyway, that's what I did next...cried. Not a lot. Just a few tears that I couldn't help. Poor Simon. He was probably thinking this is what they warn you about. At least that would be what I was thinking, so, not only was I feeling badly for myself, I was feeling badly for him too. Damn it. Now he's not gonna know when it's safe to talk to me again. I guess I'll have to break the ice somehow.
After some time passed and I had time to formulate some semblance of a...well, I don't know if you could call it an apology...Simon came into the bathroom where I was brushing my teeth and put his arms around my belly and said again "i'm sorry"- come the tears again (not then- NOW as I write this). Anyway, I said I'm not saying that what I said isn't true, but I do acknowledge that I may have been projecting my insecurities onto you. It seemed to me that you were frustrated that you couldn't sleep because of me. I don't know if it's true or not but that is what I IMAGINED "I'm sorry that I made you feel badly", he said. You didn't make me feel badly, I made me feel badly. Sorry for the meltdown.
And that was that.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Definitely NOT a Boy
How far along? 24 weeks, 5 days
So we decided to go for a 3D/4D ultrasound after Simon's mom's pendulum kept insisting that we were not having a girl. In case you don't know what a pendulum is, it is something like a magic 8 ball where you ask it a question, shake it up and wait for the answer...maybe silly but we figured...let's dispell all doubt if we can.
We booked an appointment at Som Visao Spa in Vancouver for their gender assessment package and about a week later we were at the spa. I invited my friend Susan to come along.

What's interesting about the 3D/4D ultrasound ...well I had someone describe it to me by saying..."it's like seeing a clay sculpture of your baby." So, you see shapes instead of just lines...handy since I remember the last ultra sound technician..."see those three lines"...well I see a lot of lines. Shapes I think will make gender more easily identified.
Now originally I was like meh about the whole 3D ultrasound thing...I thought Who cares? What's the big deal?, but I gotta say that it really is neato. For the first time I felt like my baby isn't just this being growing inside me it actually has behaviours and tendencies that are uniquely I can say...HERS.
Well, here she is! She insisted on having her hand near her face despite us trying several things to get her to reveal herself to us...the genitals, no problem but the face...I think we have to speak to her agent about that.
I am realizing that it is no coincidence that the previous 2 times we had ultrasounds that she had a hand at her mouth. She had her hand, the umbilical cord...almost her foot in her mouth at one point (that made it easy to confirm her gender)- I have that photo too by the way but I decided not to post it to save her embarrassment when she gets older.
Susan gave us the cutest hat for the baby so I thought she should model it for the camera.
I saw the photo and decided that I looked fat so here is the follow up photo. Suck in those cheeks!
So we decided to go for a 3D/4D ultrasound after Simon's mom's pendulum kept insisting that we were not having a girl. In case you don't know what a pendulum is, it is something like a magic 8 ball where you ask it a question, shake it up and wait for the answer...maybe silly but we figured...let's dispell all doubt if we can.
We booked an appointment at Som Visao Spa in Vancouver for their gender assessment package and about a week later we were at the spa. I invited my friend Susan to come along.
What's interesting about the 3D/4D ultrasound ...well I had someone describe it to me by saying..."it's like seeing a clay sculpture of your baby." So, you see shapes instead of just lines...handy since I remember the last ultra sound technician..."see those three lines"...well I see a lot of lines. Shapes I think will make gender more easily identified.

Now originally I was like meh about the whole 3D ultrasound thing...I thought Who cares? What's the big deal?, but I gotta say that it really is neato. For the first time I felt like my baby isn't just this being growing inside me it actually has behaviours and tendencies that are uniquely I can say...HERS.
Well, here she is! She insisted on having her hand near her face despite us trying several things to get her to reveal herself to us...the genitals, no problem but the face...I think we have to speak to her agent about that.
I am realizing that it is no coincidence that the previous 2 times we had ultrasounds that she had a hand at her mouth. She had her hand, the umbilical cord...almost her foot in her mouth at one point (that made it easy to confirm her gender)- I have that photo too by the way but I decided not to post it to save her embarrassment when she gets older.

Susan gave us the cutest hat for the baby so I thought she should model it for the camera.

I saw the photo and decided that I looked fat so here is the follow up photo. Suck in those cheeks!

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